Steamed Clams in White Wine Cream Sauce

My dish had itty bitty littleneck clams, 30 to be exact, and that fed two people with a side dish of salad and roasted veggies. Next time I'm going to add shallots or sweet onions to this dish to give the sauce a little more body--it tasted great, but since it is served with garlic bread, the sauce should be more robust.
30 littleneck clams (other varieties are fine)
1.5 cups dry white wine
3 tbsp butter or extra-virgin olive oil
3 cloves garlic minced/smashed (and, as I suggested, some diced shallots or onions)
1/2 cup heavy cream
salt and pepper to taste
garlic bread
Sautee the garlic and/or onions in the butter, stopping them from burning with the white wine, then throw in the clams and cover to simmer for 10-15 min. Scoop out clams and ladle them into your serving bowls, then finish the sauce by adding the cream and cooking it down to a slightly thick sauce. I added a little cornstarch to thicken mine. Ladle sauce back over the clams and serve with the bread.
It was actually pretty darn good. Next time I'll probably try a bigger clam, and maybe just butter and wine, and try to thicken it without all the extra fat. But hell, we ate it with a salad and roasted cauliflower, how freakin' healthy is that?