Diary of Camping Cuisine #3: Pizza on the Grill
View from dam to other side |
View from our campsite. Looked like the ocean! |
So this wasn't so much of a success as a learning experience. Now that I've finally mastered my dough, I made enough for 4 pizzas and froze them after the 2nd rise to go with us. Little did I know that even at very chilly temperatures, yeast will keep on truckin'. I opened up the dough (previously rounded orbs) to find a sticky, bubbly mess exploding out of the bag I had stored them in.
Brilliant Scott had advised us to grill them lightly first, then top them, then grill again, which I did. However, I think the lack of a pizza stone caused the burning of the pizza bottoms. Next time, I think I will bring a stone to put on the coals themselves, or maybe you could be super-crunchy-granola types and get by with some natural stone.
We did a pesto base and toppings of a variation of onions, tomatoes, and pepperoni, plus mozzarella and arregiano cheeses on one and goat cheese and mozz on another. Still good, but the burnt crust risked a chipped tooth.
Witness the charred remains |
If I had my druthers, I would have added smoked lake trout, but because Taste Tester discouraged me from fishing on our first night, I never caught any fish.
Next chapter: failed fishing excursions...